On the market in Buka you can get everything you need – fruits, vegetables, mussels, fish, crabs or even the local fast-food-dish: I just call it „fish-schnitzel” but the people here call it “flourfish”. It’s mostly tuna in dough but in some cases they put also Barracuda or Red Emperor in.
Next to the food staff people are selling shell-jewelleries and shell money from the Solomon Islands as well as very beautiful baskets called “bilum”. Almost everybody has his/her own one. I think the purposes of these are to carry the buai around – the betel nut everybody is chewing all day long.
As everywhere all over this planet the market is also a meeting place for people. To socialize, to exchange the latest news and to see the new faces in town and and and … Here as well.
Just have a look ……
…. and next time more about seafood and fishes ….