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Text to project: Journeys

Hobby, passion or do you see it as a challenge? Is it the desire to get to know the other side? The unknown? To feel the insecurity in other settings and to learn to work it out or maybe the motivation to aim some higher goals, to find enlightment, to change something, somebody or yourself? Is it the goal to hike through jungles, cross valleys, climb mountains or find the ultimate kick? These and more motives push people to undertake journeys.

For me it is to get to know other people and societies, their rites and customs as well as daily challenges to face and approaches to solutions. Other motivations are the desire to feel nature, the power of it and on the other hand to inhale history.

Through several short-term or extended field trips and long-term working assignments I had and still have the opportunity to partly satisfy my curiosity, to get lots of experiences and have at the same time the chance to see things from another point of view. All these experiences together help me to see and handle apparent problems and challenges in life in another different way.


without borders

website coming soon!